I can't believe the hot mess of a post I gave y'all yesterday. I thought I'd have at least a half an hour to an hour of lucidity after I took the pill, but that is clearly not the case.
I SLEPT LIKE AN ANGEL, and woke up really looking forward to the day. I was a little groggy, but it's nothing a shower and a Diet Dr. Pepper didn't clear up, though. Finally, 9 hours of sleep. I LOVE that stuff. Addiction, here I come!
I left Ace with my mom this morning so I could go to the allergy clinic. My appointment was at 9, I had a CT scan at 9:45 at a whole nother building, I was at home by 10:30, and by 11, I had a diagnosis. Dr. Venarske at the Mississippi Allergy and Asthma Clinic is the bomb, son. Apparently, 2 out of 3 of my sinuses have fluid and infection, and tomorrow, I will be starting a 4-week course of antibiotics and a bottle of Flonase. If that doesn't work, I'll have actual allergy testing. The doctor said that I have the worst case of green and white snot in the back of my throat that he'd seen in a long time. Oddly enough, that's the nicest compliment I've had all day.
At noon, I had an appointment to get Ace measured and casted for new ankle braces. He started looking nervous when he was being casted, so I gave him my iPhone to distract him. Within a few seconds, he found the iPod, and what was the first song that blasted from my speakers into the face of the unwitting dude wrapping a cast around my son's foot?
I love my child. That was a very mild, giggle-inducing embarrassment, and it could've been SO MUCH WORSE. At least it wasn't Ice Cube's "Put Your Back Into It."
When we got home, I threw him in bed and started cleaning again. For the first time in MONTHS, I actually FEEL like cleaning. I finished up the toy exodus, concentrating on the toys all over the kitchen floor, then moved on to the guest bathroom. I now have at least 8 garbage bags full of stuff I'm going to donate to local churches, plus a respectable pile of crap for a garage sale.
Tomorrow is a trip to Pump It Up, then Wal-Mart, then hopefully another cleaning jag. I'm starting to finally feel positive for the first time in a very long time. Y'all's prayers are so welcome and helpful. I love y'all, for reals.
7 months ago
so glad to hear you are on the up and up!
"Oddly enough, that's the nicest compliment I've had all day."
ROTFLMAO!! Lady you crack me up!!!
Anyhoo, as someone who feels like he$$ every day due to sleep issues, I know where you are coming from. Glad you are feeling better. Will keep praying for you.
GIRL! That video of Ace made me smile & I had to play it several times :) hehe! I lurv that kid and YOU!
Im glad you decided to do a post before the Ambien fog rolled in ;) Not that the last post wasn't entertaining because IT WAS. Im sooooo glad you are sounding so much better & you are getting answers on the snotz..
hang in there.
I'm glad things are better!
I sincerely am glad to hear you are feeling better.
(still trying to get the visual out of my head of you actually throwing Ace in bed)
I'm glad you're turning that corner (and getting sleep)!
Now if you could help us get our house cleaned up to the point we could only call it "messy" ...
Hey! He's MY allergist!!!!!! Yay!!!
I used something very similar to flonase when I was a kid. I had to use it year round though b/c I was born with tiny sinuses and they were always clogged! I loved that stuff. You are sooo lucky! Just don't get addicted to that and Ambien. I don't want to see you on Dr Phil in a year or two....
YAY!! I'm so glad you have a course of treatment now and got some answers.
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