Things that are funny when Ace says them in the car or at home:
-"Good LORD!"
-"Mommy farted!"
Things that are not funny when said in the post office, then repeated ad nauseam because people are laughing:
-See above.
For the record, I did not fart. I was scooting boxes across the floor.
7 months ago
LOL!! love it! :D
lay off the cabbage, flip flaps! gah!!
Mini-me's new favorite phrase is "Oh my God!"
That ain't cool when it's coming out of the mouth of a 4 year old. It's a matter of time before she says it in Sunday School.
ha ha ha ha!!
you got a funny kid cuz...
See if you can get him on tape saying "Good Lord". I bet that is a hoot!!
Please correct your son. Ladies do not fart, they "make fluffies". Men FART.
umm hmm.
Sure you didn't.
A word that will make you almost wet yourself when texted to you in the middle of a business meeting/dinner: PRIAPISM.
Yep, I believe you. No, really I do.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Try this one: I was in the (very crowded) public library downtown and had to run to the bathroom (lunch didn't agree w/ me...sorry to be gross) I was so happy to see that the bathroom was empty--I went in to the stall w/ Landon, did what I needed to do (a-hem!) and was about to jet out of there when other people walked it (dang it!). Landon picked this golden moment to ask, "Ew! Mommy! What is that AWFUL smell?! P.U!" I tried to make a dumb excuse--blame it on someone else...but he was too smart for that! He said, "No, Mommy! That bad stink is YOU!" I won't finish the thought--The story is already too gross to post in a comment anyways...(red face, sneaking away hunched over, dark sunglasses on)
well that is better than "Mama you hurt me" in Rankin county! or "oh my god" mama when it is complete silence!
jude says...
mama, i wooted.
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