Sunday, August 17, 2008


His lunch box holds a banana and a sandwich for lunch and some cheese for a snack.

His backpack has an extra change of clothes, his binder, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, and diapers.

His outfit for tomorrow is on the changing table.

His socks, shoes, and braces are by his high chair.

His mommy is ready to throw up.


Katy said...

Oh my gosh! I love the first day of school, but completely understand your nervousness. I read this post and actually thought, "thank goodness Charlie will never have to go to school." How naive am I?

Sharon said...

How is Ace doing?
You can do it, Stacey!!!
I'm lending you a cyber ((hug)),because I'd be aching, too.

Jo said...

Anxiously waiting the after school report :)

black betty said...

he's gonna do great!

now, keep yourself busy until this afternoon...

Susan said...

One small step for Ace, one giant step for Stacey... Good luck to you both! He'll do great.

From the Doghouse said...

Stay hydrated so you don't cry yourself to death.

Susan said...

And give us an update so we know you survived! Did you take a hundred pictures of him getting out of the car and stuff?

Supermom said...

I will anxious to hear the day 1 report too!

mayberry said...

Hang in there girl. You are such a good mama - you will be ok and so will Ace. Thinking of you today!!

Erin Steele said...

We will gets a little better each day you drop them off!

Mrs.H said...

We need a report as soon as you can get it posted. All day or just the morning?

HEATHER said...

Hope everything goes well!

THE Stephanie said...

Too funny. Hope you survived the first day!

watercolordaisy said...

I hope all went well today. And that tomorrow will be better. hugs!!! I am sure it will be tough on both of you but you are doing a good thing. hugs!!!!