Let's recap:
-A "W The President" sticker, in support of our esteemed president, who loves war like a fat kid loves cake. Check.
-A Gregg Harper bumper sticker. A former congressional candidate in support of the "war on terror." Check.
-A peace sign. Because peace is like, so totally boss 'n stuff. CHECK.
In related news, I saw a Durango last night that had big writing on the top of the windshield that said "BLOW ME." Stay classy, bro. I bet you make your grandma proud.
sounds like the driver of the vehicle must have a split personality!
That is so awesome! Some people make no sense.
And the Durango? Years ago I realized that I don't like anyone who drives a Durango. I'm waiting to find the person that changes my mind, but I haven't met them yet.
Geez ..
On my way to work on 20 yesterday someone had something that appeared to be a mans private parts hanging from the rear of their vehicle.
I thought it was very tacky and disgusting!
Esp b/c the balls were bouncing around!
I see those things all the time! Why do people think it's cool to have chrome testicles hanging off the back of their vehicle? Why? I don't want to see random genitalia when I'm out driving, and I sure as heck don't want to explain to my child what that thing is!
the "idiots" was in reference to the person with the bumper stickers. not to you all. :) just in case that wasn't clear.
Only you would be so perceptive as to notice that in a drive thru line. I would have been totally consumed with worrying about whether or not they got my order right.
This post made me hungry by the way. Dangit.
I don't know what makes me laugh more-the car's bumper stickers, or fact that you took a picture of them while at the drive-thru! lol
Did they notice?
Wrong Melinda, Stacey. But that is just screwed up! Maybe it was a random act of "flurk you." I'm always tempted to put crazy liberal bumper stickers on certain people's cars. Never do it, but I'm tempted.
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