Sunday, June 01, 2008

Note to Ace:

At what point did you think I'd actually let you get into the drawers that your father hasn't yet child-proofed because you're just now able to reach the contents? The 8th try? 9th? When I finally got tired of simply deflecting you to the dining room and finally deflected you all the way to your chair in the living room in front of The Cartoon Network, did you think to yourself "Thunderbabies are go!!!" and figure THAT meant I'd let you in the drawers? Also, why are you only interested in them when I'm juggling measuring cups and spoons trying to make the very bread that nourishes you?

Also, when I'm in the laundry room and you slam both doors shut, do not be surprised if I push you out of the way so I can get out and finish making bread. Do not scream "AUNTIE AUNTIE AUNTIE" after I close the laundry room doors and secure the baby-lock. Your aunties would probably totally let you in there because they're all about the spoiling, but THEY'RE NOT HERE RIGHT NOW, ARE THEY.

I can't believe you made me say "Just wait till your father gets home."


Deanna said...

Hold your ground! They are bigger in stamina, but we are bigger in size!! Ha! (How does such a small body hold so much determination???!)

watercolordaisy said...


From the Doghouse said...

Stubborn, singularly focused, doesn't take no for an answer ... where could these traits have come from?

mayberry said...

This is the kind of stuff they don't tell you about in the "What to expect - the toddler years." books.

Confessions of A Mississippi Mom said...

Gosh I hate when they keep on until I grow three heads, and say those words I HATE TO SAY, "you wait until your father comes home" ...

Christina Martin said...

Oh, I hear you!

Susan said...

How dare you mistreat that sweetie so! Poor thing. I'm looking up the number for DHS...

HEATHER said...

Sounds like mommy needs a cocktail!

Webmaster said...

LOL. Poor Ace. ;)

The DP said...

Be sure to tape your husband playing Bad Cop and send it to me.