Sounds like it's Drew's turn with the tummy...
I think everyone in this family needs to be quarantined from each other for a good week and a half.
Edited to add: Okay, seriously, see? I hear my husband retching. I wait a minute to make sure he's done. I walk to the bathroom with my best "poor hubby" face, and am greeted with a smile and an "I feel better!" FREAK. Under no circumstances would throwing up ever, ever, ever make me feel better.
7 months ago
And I actually ATE a piece of garlic that he passed me with his fingers????
Seriously hope is feeling better this morning.
I think I ate a straight tail by mistake. Or maybe my subconscious just wanted to make room for more crawfish.
i love drew...he is awesome!
My husband feels better when he throws up. He could be in gut wrenching pain for hours, then goes and pukes his brains out, and then he hops out of hte bathroom like all is fine in the world. weirdos
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