...and y'all know how I post when I'm tired, here are two PG-13 stories from Stacey's childhood.
1. I learned the German words for "thank you" ("danke schoen," pronounced... well, just about how it looks) when I was about 7 and was super proud of myself, so proud that I'd say it to anyone who gave me anything. At one point, my dad took me to a party and heard me say it to several people. He pulled me aside and asked angrily, "why are you saying 'donkey sh**' to everyone?"
2. When I was about 10, I read a book that had a word in it that I didn't know. The word? Well, it has to do with a big "o." La petit mort. A zenith. A finish. Y'all got me, right? Seriously. At a party at my aunt's house, I asked my cousin Kelly the meaning of the word. Being 16, Kelly turned me away totally mortified, and told me to go ask someone else. I did, and that person turned me over to someone else, who then told me to go ask someone else, etc. Everyone at the party found it uproarious, but nobody would tell me what the word meant. The next day, my grandma yelled at me for using words a young lady shouldn't. Great.
7 months ago
Thanks for the new pics on Flickr!
Always good to get extra helpings of Ace's cuteness on Mondays!
The downside to curiosity. LOL
You make me smile!
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! I think you and I should have been friends growing up--I can only imagine the great disasters that would have followed our meeting---You could be telling stories straight from my childhood! Ha ha ha! What in the WORLD are our boys going to be like.......
That's hilarious. It reminds me of when I was a young'un (age 19) and would tell my boyfriend "Je t'aime" and he finally asked me why I was always saying "sh*t d*mn".
funnah! :)
le petit morte, mon cheri? Oui oui..tsktsktsk
I'll add my RFTS pics to flickr and myspace since I don't have your email addy. Unless you want them, then email me at
I almost snorted spagetti!
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