I just realized last night that the Run from the Sun, a 5K run/walk to raise money for melanoma research, is less than 2 weeks away.
My back hurts SO MUCH that all I want to do from the time Ace takes a nap in the afternoon till the time we all go to bed is snuggle up with a Flexeril and a heating pad, let alone get in good enough shape to walk nearly 3 and a half miles without dying.
I need to get my keester in gear here. Thank goodness I have other people promising to walk really slow with me. RIGHT, Y'ALL?
ETA to clarify: Walking 3 and a half miles isn't a problem. I can walk all day long. Actually, the very next week, I walked the same distance for the March of Dimes and was dingdang dandy. Thing is, this is an actual race, and despite pushing myself really hard last year, I still came in dead last and it was just downright embarrassing.
Plus, that hike up High Street in the middle of the race is killer. Killer.
6 months ago
Stacey, I'll be walking with you. I'm still not "post-surgery" enough to run. And just so you know, I don't care if I come in last, so you can beat me. However, I better get my butt in gear and sign up. . .
Leisurly stroll. May takes us a couple of days to finish...
I can see the T-shirts now: Leisurely Stroll from the Sun.
You can do it Stacey! You did internet-less lent :)
While you're getting geared up for the race, you can figure out what you're gonna say when you call the fools at the hospital and ask why they haven't called you back yet about the preemie support group :)
I have faith in you!
you can do it!!!!!!!!!
It's a race?
Where ya'll meeting up at?
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