My big sister came up on Friday for the first time in a while. She'd been missing Ace something fierce, so she spent some good quality time with him.
As soon as she got here, we went to the Natural History Museum - through which, by the way, Ace used his walker most of the way till he got tired - Jennifer pushed him in the stroller while I lugged the walker behind me.
Ace got a little visit from the Easter bunny this morning. A bleary-eyed, grumpy Easter bunny.
There's the Easter basket my mom got when I was like 10 minutes pregnant with Ace, a numbers book to encourage his recently developed counting skill, a bunch of fruit leathers, some pistachios (he loves 'em), some Easter eggs (camo, courtesy of his Paw-Paw) filled with Cadbury Creme Eggs (is there a more disgusting Easter treat? seriously) and a stuffed bunny with sunglasses on, a tradition in my family. You'll also notice the Easter bunny delivered some goodies to Jennifer and Drew.
"'Fruit leather?' Where's all the candy and toys? Lemme speak to this 'Easter Bunny.' What kinda hippy crap... I mean, 'deh?'"
This may be the best picture I've ever taken of my big sister. I hate that Ace wasn't looking.
So Ace is a bit of a road hog with the walker. The times I've taken him outside with it, he takes the most direct route to the street in front of our house. So after the Easter bunny had come this afternoon and littered our yard, we took Ace outside in his walker and planted him on the front lawn in front of some strategically "hidden" eggs. He didn't care. He felt the call of the open road, and took off.
Suddenly, eggs started flying into the road. People MAY have been kicking them out there. Ace took the hint.
Mmmm, cake.
I hope y'all had an awesome Easter. I really, really love today. It's a day for unbridled joy and thankfulness, and a day to let the profundity of what Jesus did for us to sink in. Awesome.
See y'all... tomorrow!
He is so cute getting with his new found freedom. You can see his joy at being able to get around.
he is too cute...
did somebody say 'cake'????
looks good!
Happy Easter. :)
"Mama, I didn't know the Easter Bunny used words like that ... "
It looks like your family had an awesome Easter. LOVIN the Mr's new wheels!! Just needs a few curb feelers. . .
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