This is why I really hate not being able to post during the week.
Ace got a walker on Tuesday. It's on loan and we'll have to buy a new one soon, but HE LOVES IT. It's the first thing he goes to after breakfast and the last thing he wants to do at night. We took this video on Tuesday night, and since then he's learned how to turn in it, so now his favorite thing ever is doing laps around the kitchen island while Mommy's trying to make supper.
Folks, this is exciting. Seeing my little boy walk, even with help, makes me so happy that I can't even stand it.
7 months ago
That grin is just outstanding! You can just see his joy. This is so great! Congratulations ACE!!
No stopping him now!
So excellent!!!!!!!! How exciting!!!! I am so thrilled for him and for you!!!! Doing the happy dance for Ace!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, Stace! He's so cute when he's proud of himself like that! And well he should be. The dude is catching on fast!
SO. CUTE. Seriously, I died of sweetness, that was so adorable!
That's a wonderful thing to see. I really think he's going to turn out just fine. Congratulations! See you next Sunday!
Cool. Now, I just have to teach him the pimp walk!
Congratulations! Ace the world flying ace, even if it isn't an airplane yet...
He is SO proud of himself :) That's awesome, Stacey :)
I think the smacking his hand on the side thing is his blinker :) Hee hee!!!!
A round of BIG hugs for everyone!!!
That's awesome! Way to go Ace!!
This video seriously brought tears to my eyes! I'm the proudest stranger in the world right now! :o) I love his happy squeal in the beginning!
OMG! OMG! OMG! I LOVE IT! I SWEAR I didn't think anything was cuter than my twin niece and nephew but Ace just makes me cry and smile everytime I see him! What an inspiration!
I'm so happy for you girl! If it made me that happy to see Ace walking I can't IMAGINE how blissful it makes you feel!
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