So every morning when I'm getting Ace dressed, I go through all of the things I'm putting on him.
"Ace, this is a shirt. Can you say shirt?"
"Right, shirt! Here's a sock!"
"Right, sock!"
The other day, however, he was a step ahead of me.
"Ace, what's this?"
"Di-bee!" (Diaper.)
"Wiiite!" (Right.)
He's so smart.
When I was first teaching him "shoe," I kinda over-emphasized the "ooo" part and it came out "shoo-ah." (Say it out loud, it'll make better sense.) Now he says "shoo-ba." Oops. Guess it's better than "dommit."
Okay, kids... back into the internet-less hole for another week. Keep my hit counter alive, and have an awesome week.
7 months ago
Will do. Miss you!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE it when the speech explosion happens! It was one of the best times of his 2.5 years so far. Enjoy the heck out of it!
Did I mention Ace rocks the Cat box??? But you already knew that didn't you?
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