Ace can identify the numbers one and eight. He says "ny-niiight" (night-night) "bye-bye," "side" (outside), "bike," "diapee" (diaper), "shirt," "sock," "shoe" (although it comes out "sooo-wa"), "cee-dee" (Cindy, the mom we hang out with the most), and "shut up." I'm so proud. He's going through a growth spurt (yay longer naps) but getting a bunch of molars in (boo waking up in the middle of the night). My poor little sugar.
Rachel (you know, the girl who's running cancer down in June?), Truvie, and Rachel's husband came over on Tuesday night and played Settlers of Catan. What? Drew got this game for either Christmas or his birthday last year, and I totally wrote it off as another dorky game that Drew and his mega dorky dork friends tend to play. You know, Risk and the like. Then I made some new friends who like the game, and peer pressure got the best of me and I let Drew teach me. I LOVE the game. I can kick some butt with just the right strategy. Unfortunately, Rachel had all the strategy with her longest road song and made pretty short work of the game. Ah well, next time.
Wednesday, I went to a truly beautiful memorial service. I haven't been to a lot of memorial services or funerals where people died of natural causes. Yeah, I know, that's hella depressing, but the thing is, this memorial service was the first one I've ever been to that actually celebrated the life of the deceased and the new life she is embarking on, instead of mourning the life that was lost. Black Betty forbade everyone from wearing black (although, I gotta say how relieved I was when I walked in and I wasn't the only one wearing a pink sweater). Gosh, I hope I have a granddaughter that does as great a job celebrating me when I die. In 100 years. I need to start wearing gold shoes.
This week promises to be pretty busy. I've got some mom-related activity every day this week, which I totally love. My calendar for February 2008 versus my calendar for February 2007 would blow your mind. The post-preemie-birth year of isolation sucked.
Ace should be getting his ankle braces tomorrow, so I'm taking donations for new shoes for the boy. I've heard Stride Rites fit fantastically over the braces, and those only cost in the neighborhood of $40-$50. Yep, only. *gag* Wednesday, he'll have a meeting with the neurologist smack-dab in the middle of his regularly scheduled nap time, so that should be basically awesome. Hopefully the neuro will let me pump one more half of a muscle-relaxer into the boy every day so he can loosen up his adductors. That oughta get him walking. Or sleeping. Win-win.
For now I have a gnarly headache and I'm basically exhausted, so I'm gone for the week. It's not so bad during the week without the internet, except for really, really missing my friends. I definitely look forward to Sundays though. What can I say. I can't quit y'all. (Too soon?)
Have an awesome week, kiddies!
8 months ago
Or sleep-walking.
Didn't see you Friday. :(
thank you so much for being there last week. you rock!
have a great week!!
We miss you too. Best of luck to Ace with the ankle braces.
Hey, he also says Qepla! though his Klingon accent needs a little work. hehe
Ah.. Settlers! We had so much fun! We'll have to do it again soon!
i fun with you the other night! lets do it again very soon...
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