Now that I've had a chance to calm down...
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU NEW HAMPSHIRE???? John McCain, the man my husband calls the "Bellicose Midget," is your candidate of choice? The man that actually sang a song about bombing Iran as though starting a war is good times and not, after all, one of the most grave decisions a president will ever make in his/her lifetime? The man that said he wouldn't care if we were at war with Iraq for 100 years? THE GUY IS CRAZY. He's still out to get Charlie and will attack any country to find him. I can understand wanting to vote for Huckabee, especially if you like empty wallets. I can understand wanting to vote for Romney, especially if you like empty wallets and bad foreign policy and multiple wives... but there is no justification for voting for John McCain unless you just love war and think it's the greatest idea ever.
This country absolutely deserves everything it gets if John McCain gets elected. I would seriously rather have someone elected that will tax my pants off than have someone elected that will continue this administration's ridiculous foreign policy. DOES NOBODY UNDERSTAND WHY WE ARE SO HATED IN THE WORLD??? Way to go, brainiacs.
And now that I've sufficiently offended a hopefully small number of my readers (I know that most of y'all who haven't drunk the Paul Kool-Aid are Schmuckaboob fans or, well, not conservative), I'll stop. Thanks for reading.
I need some liquor.
7 months ago
What? No mention of that other boob who won?
Where are you Ron Paul?
I am big fan of the old Frank Sinatra movie The Manchurian Candidate. Watch it, and see if you don't think of McCain. Remember he was a prisoner of war for quite a few years, who knows what they could have done to him while he was there.
My cousin sent this to me Stacey. You need to go read it. We really need to be hoping that Dr. Paul will run as a third party candidate.
Trying to imagine how Stacey would be if Ron Paul made a campaign stop in Jackson ...
doghouse how your girls would be if Hannah Montana stopped by your house for dinner.
Calm down, dearie... it's only 10:00 a.m. Oh wait... it's almost 5:00 p.m. in Paris.
Road trip to Paris! =)
Now that Hilary has learned *sniff* *sniff* will garner votes... let the sobfest begin.
I agree with mayberry, Paul needs to run 3rd party. What he needs to do is run as the Libertarian canidate again, that way the party gets more press and stature and maybe can take off where the reform party left off.
You can see how well the Reform Party did (Gov. Ventura notwithstanding). Independent candidates would fare better than third party candidates, since the big block of independents out there are just that, and don't want to vote for a third party any more than for a first or second. Look at Perot in 1992 compared to 1996. He got almost 20% of the vote as an independent and under 10% as a party man.
i was shocked as well...
the dem. nod didnt surprise me...she did get a bit emotional the last time they interviewed her...
I just ran across a "best grin" contest on Please enter a cute picture of ACE!
Amen Amen and AMEN Sistuh! Did you watch Ron Paul at the Manchester town hall? I LOVE THAT MAN!! Why are people not getting the message?! It's starting to piss me off--All I talk about is Ron Paul--People just kind of glaze over like they're not interested since he's not plastered all around town. This election is scaring the hell out of me. I am actually SCARED Dr. Paul won't get this nomination.
Hey, mayberry--I clicked on the link to the site you recommended, but it said access was denied--Can you post the link again?
Type in
There's a little brown box about "Why the Establishment hates Ron Paul".
Maybe Ron Paul needs to cry next time ;)
A little emotional about the candidates are we?
John McCain is the reason that people think Americans are a**holes. I can't even talk about it. Why don't we just make a huge bonfire and throw billions of dollars and thousands of troops into it? That's what this war is.
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