I think I've just stumbled across a Mississippism previously undiscovered in my 3 and a half years of living here. I called to reschedule my doctor's visit for this morning because I forgot to NOT eat breakfast (blood work + breakfast = DISASTER!).
Doctor's office lady: "The next early morning I have is Friday the 8th."
Me: "Okay, that'll be perfect. What time?"
Lady: "So that's Friday week, not this Friday."
Me: "I'm sorry?"
Lady "That's Friday week. At 8:30."
Me: "Rrright, the 8th."
"Friday week?" What the heck does that mean?
Of course, I said "neutral ground" to a bunch of guys from the Delta a couple of days ago. "The what?" "The neutral gr... MEDIAN."
7 months ago
I've never heard that ...and I've lived her all my life minus 3 months....she's weird.
I've heard it a lot; it's just a shortened version of "a week from Friday."
And I still say neutral ground too. And brake tag.
Wait, people here don't call it a brake tag? Dangit.
as being from the delta I have never heard of neutral ground either but what is a brake tag?
i have a that a lot, also. what the heck is brake tag? here in east tennessee, people say "you'ins" instead of "y'all." i had never heard that until i moved to the mountains.
I've lived in the Jackson, MS area all my life and I've heard "Friday week" as long as I can remember, but have never heard the median referred to as neutral ground and don't have a clue what a brake tag is.
Scweeet! I got a phone call from a lady wanting a discount on her free ad. . .
*chirp* *chirp* *chirp*
my MIL says it all the time...takes some getting used to though...
Christy - that's hysterical!
Stacey - "Friday week" is just another way to confuse people when nobody quite knows which Friday is "this" Friday versus "next" Friday. Clearly the next Friday is day after tomorrow, but most people say it meaning Friday week. =) I've heard it off and on, but not a lot. I don't know what the heck a brake tag is, though.
Bunch of hicks.
A brake tag is known in these parts as an inspection sticker.
I think Alison's had a bad day!
Hey Stacey, I just heard a rumor that my boss #1 ran into Ron Paul at the Mobile airport today! Sadly, he didn't realize who he was until after he got home...
My grandmother used to say that all the time. It is indeed a Southernism. Now, I'm fixing to check on my blog...
Ok.... I am from the north and I ain't never heard none of them there hick words yous be talkin' about!
heee heee heee!!!!!
Love y'all though :) Married one of y'all. Can't understand a word he says when he's mad :) LMAO!!!
we don't even have *brake tags* in East TN. you can drive whatever hunk-a-junk you want
Where you been hiding out??
well, will admit that I tell time to the nearest 30 minutes... heh. Drove my dad batty. "What time is it?" " 5 til" "5 til?!" "Yeah, 5 till 10:30." Makes sense to me in here in my head.....
I've heard it a lot, but I always hear "Friday a week."
Could someone please define "brake tag" for the benefit of those of us who speak English?
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