Dang, I have a jacked up family. Jacked up.
Please, if you feel like you have a problem with alcohol, your next step is to call every local treatment center and get the next available opening. Don't let it get out of hand. Please.
7 months ago
Come preach to one side of my family--We are the Jerry Springer show, I swear! *sigh*
Sorry babe. Jacked up families ain't no fun if their your own.
been there, done that. my family put the *fun* in dysfunction!
Thanks to the person legally listed as my father, I feel your pain.
Just remember, "normal" is a relative term when it comes to family...sorry that you have to deal with it right now.
You and yours are in my prayers. My bio father's family is the one I was talking about yesterday on Sandi's comment, about the "forbidden fruit". They are all raging alcoholic. Thank the Lord my mom got me away from those people.
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