What's so remarkable about this picture?
He's up on his knees - and he pulled up all by himself!!!
One of his daily therapy exercises includes getting him up on his knees like this while holding on to something. Usually I'll do it with him on my bed's footboard (shown) or his crib, and sometimes in the living room with him holding on to the side of the couch. This is supposed to break up his extensor tone, which is part of what keeps his legs stick straight all the time. I've never actually shown him how to pull himself up, I've just pulled him up and put him on his knees. He enjoys it (one of the few therapy exercises that he does enjoy), and will bounce up and down and giggle.
Today, I put him on my bed with a big fort of blankets and pillows around him, so I could go dry my hair. I poke my head around the corner every few seconds or so to make sure he's not hurtling himself toward the edge of the mattress. Usually, he's not. Sometimes he is. I usually make faces at him when I poke my head around the corner, because it makes him laugh and makes him wait till I poke my head around again, and he stays in the same spot. Today, he was reaching up to the top of my footboard, and when I looked again, the kid was up on his knees!
Y'all, this is pretty big stuff. That requires some pretty major strength and coordination. I'm so darn proud of him.
In other news, I got my new phone, a Motorola v3 Razr. I submitted the insurance claim at around 6 last night, and got my phone this morning. Well played, AT&T. Especially since I had my new phone in time to catch this special moment!
That is so great! GO ACE!
Yay, yay, yay! We are so proud of Ace!
So exciting!! He looks so proud!!
YEAH!!! Way to go little man!!
He looks so serene in his little blue shirt.
Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy ACE! That is so awesome Stacey!! Give him a squish for me!!!!
way to go! :)
I told you he was gonna kick ass and take names! Go Ace!
Very cool!
I think that's great!
Congrats, Ace! You [keep going) boy!!
PS-like the bed. Nice frame.
AND way to go Stacey, for being so patient while working with the little guy. Here's your payoff for all that PT!
Good job snapping the photo at just the right moment.
Way to go Ace! He'll be all over the place before long!
(and damn, that's customer service! Kudos to AT&T)
Delurking on account of the great news. That's wonderful! Congrats to the whole family!
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