So October marks the symbolic beginning to RSV season. RSV is... ahh, don't be so lazy. I've talked about it a badrillion times on my blog. Search.
I've really broken myself of the insane germ freak thing that I did all last season. I still make sure to wash my hands regularly and make sure that anyone handling Ace is relatively clean and healthy. But I don't lose my mind and start crying any time someone touches him like I used to. I still wish a pox on the house of that heifer that pawed (hoofed?) him at the post office with her dirty disgusting hands. I durn near went taco box on that woman.
I'm glad I broke myself of that. It was a bummer.
Now, he doesn't have a big risk of getting extremely ill from RSV. I read that statistics show that preemies who get through their first RSV season unscathed have a very, very low risk of hospitalization from it in the future. He's also generally a healthy kid, and didn't have a huge problem with his lungs during the NICU stay - no lung disease, etc.
The likelihood of him receiving another season of Synagis shots this year is extremely low because of all of the above, plus I have United Healthcare, the most useless of all insurance companies.
Soooo, to freak or not to freak. Do I re-establish hermit-ville and cancel all interactions with others outside of medical personnel and pre-approved friends and family members like I did last year? Suck it up to provide him the utmost protection till April? Re-train myself to Purell (yes, it's a verb in my house) every time I touch him as opposed to my current habit of just Purelling every time I come in the house/touch anything outside of my house.
Or, do I pray that his immune system is up to the task of warding off evil spirits, and continue on my current course of interaction with reservation? I thankfully have extremely aware and respectful friends and family who understand the grave seriousness of RSV, and his therapists work with preemies so they should know the preemie-mom hysteria.
Hmm... to freak or not to freak.
I generally don't live my life with extreme paranoia. I lock my doors at night, but I don't have an alarm system or bars on the windows. This is one aspect of my life that I've allowed extreme, although reasonable paranoia to take over. It felt good to relax a little over the summer. I don't know if I want to, or need to, go back.
7 months ago
I learned from Aidan starting school that there's stuff I wish I had exposed her to a bit more...b/c she's never had anything, she's extremely vunerable to EVERYTHING. We had RSV and it was not fun...I understand your concerns....just cover him in prayer (as Aidan says) and he'll be fine!
I say Don't go there Stacey! I can tell you the kids who are CONSTANTLY kept from the germies are NEVER in school because anytime a little germ comes to class these kids get it at the worst it can be!
It is good to be clean, but if you don't let him get some bugs now he is going to get MAJOR bugs in the future. (I wanted to put "some" and "MAJOR" in quotes, but didn't want my comment sent to the land of uneccessary quotations marks! Hee hee!!)
HUGS! I know it's a tough position to be in, but you have to let his immune system build itself up against this crap.
Ugh! I hate to reply to this b/c I'll probably irritate a lot of the people who have already responded calmly and rationally, but....I have to say that although it is good to expose kids to germs in the grand scheme of things, Ace is still really little. And if he's going to get RSV, I say the older, the better. I'm not telling you to be a hermit, but I do understand your need to keep unwanted germs at bay. We only have one opportunity with these little guys and I am in the habit of erring on the side of caution. For me, it boils down to the vaccination issue. I am so scared Landon will come down with something deadly--and winter is the scariest time. I just tell myself to get him through these first few fragile years and then be less protective. RSV season can be brutal--as can the flu season. According to Dr. Jen (ha ha ha! My service is worth what you're paying for it!), go with your gut. If it's your gut feeling to protect Ace through one more season as best as possible, then listen to your mother's intuition. Ace will still get exposed to PLENTY of germs just being around you guys, your family, and going out of the house. I hope I didn't offend anyone--It's just my humble opinion :o)
Does that mean I can't come over?
I don't pretend to be an expert on preemies or RSV or anything, but I have had my share of bugs or, I should say, MINI-ME has had her share of bugs and I say do all you can to keep him healthy. Use your common sense and I'm sure he'll be fine. That being said, I DID work with a lady who had a son(I THINK he was about 2 years old) and he was fighting RSV and things of that nature all the time. I think he had been a preemie too, but I'm not sure. I would be optimistically cautious this year. Not go to the extreme unless your gut tells you too. Our mommy guts are all we've got sometimes.
make sure you're well stocked with hand sanitizer and wet wipes. :)
You know that your staying home with him and not dumping him in daycare is probably the BEST thing that you can do for his health. My cousin was married to this looney chick who wouldn't let anyone from the family watch the baby and INSISTED on dumping the poor young'un in daycare, and he stayed sick with snotty nose and cough all fall and winter he was there.
I'm like Jo, he has to build up a certain immunity, but be careful in doing so. Clear as mud, huh?
Well, as the resident expert (being an RN and all), I think moderation is the key. Ace is still really young and (as a pre-mature baby) somewhat fragile, so you're right to be really nit-picky about hand-washing and keeping him away from obviously sick people. However, for Mommy's sanity (which is JUST as important as baby's physical health) don't "hole up" all winter long! Oh! And... I'd go TACO BOX on some random, dirty germ spreading stamp buyer, too!
Oh yeah! Stay away from germy wal-mart, if at all possible, AM got a viral pink eye, not to be confused with regular pink eye...this one we ended up in the emergency room with our child's eyes looking like they were rotting out! But like Truvie said, moderation is key. No daycare sure does help!
Either way you go, I'll pray for Ace's continued health. ;)
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