Ace has a pretty nasty ear infection. Apparently, his eardrum ruptured (wait, you mean there's NOT supposed to be crusty yellowish stuff on his ear?), so he's on eardrops and a second round of antibiotics now. I feel terrible for the kid. That has GOT to hurt.
The baclofen is looping him out. He spends about an hour and a half after taking the pill just kinda staring at things. He also takes longer naps.
His new tricks are fun for him, but super dangerous. He can't catch himself when he starts to fall over; to make a long story short, his natural reaction is to kick his legs out and bring his arms in, planting him squarely on his head on the tile. Awesome.
Because of excruciating ear pain, being stoned, and repeated head traumas, I finally have a child that will cuddle with me. Gosh, if I'd only known sooner.
7 months ago
i got a nasty ear infection when i was about Ace's age. it was so freakin painful i REMEMBER it (i know this because there was a landmark family event right at two years old -not birthday- and i know it was before)
so tired, forgot to add...and this is why i feel sad for ace. poor sweetheart.
*giggle* Sorry, been there-done that. The ear part that is.
Hug him and love him and pet him and call him George.
Maybe this explains the recent crankiness!
Hope he's better soon!
if he is keeping ear infections, get a referral from your pediatrician. red-headed diva had 8 in 6 months. i told the doc i wasn't leaving his office until he wrote a referral...
poor, i remember those days! talk about sleep deprivation! i'm praying for you both.
gurl....bless his heart. I had one not too long ago. I was a BIG BABY! What dr. do you go to?
Poor little man, is he teething?
So often the ears get infected when the teeth are coming in. I'm really surprised that he got an ear infection since you breast fed him.
Awwww!!! :o( Poor Ace!! (And "Poor Stace", too!). I know that sucks! I heard ruptured eardrums are really painful (duh--dumb comment, sorry!), but that it's usually okay after the antibiotics and the hearing is usually fully restored. Let us know how he's doing...
Poor Baby! My heart goes out to the little man. But I can't tell you how proud I am of his "stunts."
You know I worked with Special Olympics and Jimmy's kids, so I know how hard the struggle is for people with disabilities. By the way, both his first kneel and his first stand-up were my on my computer at work. Everyone in the office thinks he's adorable! Of course.
It's weird, sometimes getting to snuggle makes dealing with the rest worthwhile.
ohno! poor sweetie and mommy!!
and fyi, i had an infection that ruptured my ear drum a few years ago. after it ruptured, it didn't hurt anymore... and my hearing did come back when it healed.
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