Hey Mommies!
Did your babies ever go from one nap per day to two?
Ace has been taking one nap per day for about 4 months now. The past 2-3 days he's been acting extremely fussy in the mornings (and waking up earlier) so Drew put him down for a nap at 10:30 (nearly 4 hours before his usual nap time) and he's fallen asleep. Now I don't know if I should wake him up in a bit so he'll take a nap this afternoon, or if I should just let him go.
Growth spurt? On the brink of a new milestone? All that Nyquil I've been giving him? Who knows.
7 months ago
Yeah... Blake had days like that. I think as he got older he'd stay awake in his crib longer before he'd call for us.. so he was actually UP much earlier than we were :) So by mid morning he was ready to snooze a bit. Usually he didn't nap very long in the AM but then his PM nap we had to wake him up or he wouldn't go to sleep at night. Aren't nappy times fun??
Wow...enjoy that while it lasts! Don't worry, it' probably just a growth spurt or some side effect of teething (or both).
I'm lucky if my almost 4 year old takes more than an hour and a half nap these days. I miss those 3 hour naps she and I used to enjoy!
growth spurts...yep...and any change in schedule....Aidan Mai would still take a nap now she stays so busy...if we let her!
Ignatius takes two naps a day and has for a while. Usually the first one is longer than the second.
i have the opposite problem right now...we have gone from 2-3 hour naps down to like (1) one hour nap a day...talk about wanting to pull hair directly out of scalp!!!!
I don't get it when people joke, so did you like really give him nyquil?
Nah. I give him bourbon when I want him to sleep.
(I'm joking there too.)
I find that Benadryl really does the trick when you just need to knock the kid out right away....
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