Seriously, don't click for a larger view. You'll be sorry you did.
It's worth mentioning that when he shook his head, all of the little globules of funk shook as though filled with some kind of revolting jelly. He ate a few pieces of bread then went to go scratch himself on something... or at least I think so, because no WAY those things couldn't itch.
We had no idea what it was. I, discriminatingly, told Drew and Angie to keep Ace away from it, much like I do whenever I see a Jehovah's Witness. We had forgotten about it till just a few minutes ago when I looked at the picture on my camera then decided to google "disgusting red faced duck." I looked through google's images till I found out that it's a muscovy duck, then of course I wanted to try to find one ickier than this one. Didn't happen. I found a few with what looked like strawberries growing out of their faces, but none with a full on raspberry patch. The one on Wikipedia's muscovy duck entry was close, but no cigar. Or cigar burns.
The red things are called caruncles, not to be confused with cankles. Caruncle comes from the Latin word caruncula, or wart. Fitting - a gross word for a gross condition. One simply cannot say "caruncle" without gagging a little. Just try it.*
Drew's not sure which picture in our albums is grossest: the pictures of Ace's turds floating in the bathtub, the picture of me with my eyelids flipped inside out (which will never grace the Internet), or the picture of this duck. It is interesting that I can find more pictures of eyelids flipped inside out on the information superhighway than I can pictures of truly gross muscovy ducks.
Not even the pigeons wanted to go near it. That should really tell you something.
*Seriously, did you just say "caruncle" out loud? I hope you're not at work.
ARGH!!! I did it! I clicked to enlarge! WHY?!??!?!?!
that duck looks like someone threw intestines on it's face! YUCK!
p.s. i enlarged the pic, too...what a nightmare! :(
That could explain why it was the only duck out for free food today. The others saw it and ran (or waddled) the other way.
ick! See...I follow directions. There are just some things that are better left alone. I don't WANT to enlarge the image!
Thank you for the laugh! You have no idea how much I needed it today.
"Carnuncle"....heh heh (snort)
Gross. Of course I clicked for larger image. (bad Sharon!) Those red things look like raspberries. Weird poor duck. Imagine dressing up as THAT for Halloween! Ewww.
I have seen ducks like this at our local park and I thought maybe they were the product of an unfortunate mating between a rooster and a duck. I had no idea that they were a breed of duck. Totally ugly.
*falls off couch*
I can't believe you found a way to use the world cankles in a blog, that's priceless ^_^
OMG. ... that's the nastiest looking duck I've ever seen!
That poor duck....
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