I'm amazingly self-centered on my blog, aren't I? I hardly ever talk about Ace. :) Well, his progress, at least.
We saw his neurologist yesterday who seems to think that while progress is coming slowly, it's going well. He still thinks Ace will walk, but will need to learn on a walker then possibly with a cane. I wonder if I can get this in an 18-month size. I'm thinking he may not be the running back that takes the Saints to the Superbowl, but we'll see.
He prescribed baclofen, a muscle relaxer, for Ace to take between 2 and 4 times a day. It'll loosen up all that extra tone some, which should make it easier for him to control his muscle movements. This made me nervous, what with all the junkies in my family - starting Ace early didn't seem like a good idea. I've asked a few people, including the pharmacist, and apparently it's not a controlled substance so nobody's done studies on it's addictive properties. Still makes me nervous, but I can't argue with a sedative side effect.*
We started with a speech therapist last week. I've been concerned that Ace, while he seems to want to repeat things, everything comes out as "deh." I know he can repeat certain sounds and I know he can understand words and phrases, but it seems like he can't repeat them back. The neuro said that like many of the things Ace has a hard time controlling and manipulating, the tongue is a muscle he's gotta work to control.
I was happy that he said that I could dump occupational therapy and maybe pick up another hour of physical therapy. I like Ace's OT, but she's perpetually like 15 minutes late and will leave 15 minutes early. I think not, toots.
I've decided that I'm straight up done doing physical therapy by myself, because it sucks. I usually stretch and do exercises in the morning - ain't doing it anymore. I'll do the stretching in the morning, but Drew's going to help with exercises and see how much it sucks.
So that's Ace. Any questions?
*If you listen closely, you can hear the distant sound of my Mother of the Year Award being dropped in the mail.
6 months ago
yes ma'am...I have a question:
The extra hour of PT... is that in-home done by you (that you say sucks) or will that be outside by someone else?
Baclofen rocks. A friend of ours has dystonic issues and has a baclofen pump. He goes from bent almost completely over and using a cane to standing and walking pretty good without any assistance. The med is good and non-addictive-unlike Valium. Which I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE. The running joke is that I have outpatient surgeries just to get the pre-op Valium. Heh.
Supermom - I do PT with him every morning, usually. What I'd like to do is have another hour with an outside therapist. I tend to give up when he fights me, but physical therapists will get 'er done.
Clucky - I'm glad to know it's not addictive. That really does concern me.
Good news!! You all are in my prayers for sweet boy's progress. Go Ace!! Go Stacey!!!
that cane is P-I-M-P!! kinda like the goldfish shoes off I'm Gonna Get You Sucka!!!!
you rock! :P
The cane is good, but he'll need some black and white wing-tip shoes to go with it.
I choked on my sandwich...almost blew it out my nose! to that pimp stick...Lawd!My cuz who has Cp ...they said he's never walk...they said he'd never do alot of things. Ace seems to be ahead of where he was developmentally. He walks, with no cane, no walker, he talks...don't let them tell you he won't.
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