Monday, October 22, 2007

bionic baby

In the comments of another blog that I read, I lamented the fact that crotchety blue hairs respectable older women always know what's best for my child.

Wherever we go, Ace is in his stroller or in my arms. Mostly the former, because he's too doggone heavy and wiggly for the latter. When he inevitably tires of both, he gets fussy and I have to start pulling out the big guns to entertain him. Sometimes he gets pretty grumpy, as do I. Constantly chiding a child that doesn't know any better doesn't make either one of us feel better. I'm sure his fussiness and outright screaming annoy the crap out of everyone surrounding us.

I almost always get someone saying to him "You want to get out and run around, don't you?" Them, I ignore; they're not intentionally being rude, they just don't see a child Ace's age and assume he's not toddling - the Occam's razor response. I just kind of smile and laugh along with them and finish buying my coffee and get on my way.

Then there are the dried up hags elderly females that tend to say, snottily, "Why don't you let him out/down so he can walk around?" It's only happened a handful of times, and my normal response is "Oh, haha, he's not quite walking yet." Sometimes they let it go and get back to slowly withering away into oblivion minding their own effin' business doing whatever it was they were doing.

A few times they've said "Well, he should be," or sniffed rudely at me. I felt kinda snarky once and said "He's got cerebral palsy and is limited in his movement. Sorry to bother you."

Brilliant blog friend Watercolor suggested the following:

When they ask "why don't you let him walk" just say, "he's a secret agent bionic baby and I'm not allowed to put him down unless his FBI handler is with us." At the very least, you'll confuse them.
Yeah, I laughed pretty loud at that one. So what are your suggestions? What else can I say to get these cows charming women to bugger off BUGGER OFF?


watercolordaisy said...

Glad you liked. :)

HEATHER said...

I LOVE, LOVE, the Bionic Baby comment.
But honestly your comment about him having cerebral palsy, is the best, you just need to add, something to the effect of "sorry that he is bothering you", to make them feel like they are about an inch tall. And you have to be super-duper sugary sweet when you say it.

Supermom said...

everything I'm coming up with really shouldn't be repeated.

The DP said...

bionic baby. Deff.

Webmaster said...

"No offense, ma'am, but it's really none of your business."
hey, they started it...

Jo said...

Oh yeah... Bionic baby is a good one :)

I think I'd say, "Oh, he can't walk yet without his walker... much like you."

No, seriously, knock their cane out from under them and leave em squirming on the floor.

Ok... really.... I think honesty is the best policy and there are really 2 honest answers: He has cerebral palsy and we are celebrating the fact that he is just learning to walk. ~OR~ Thanks for your opinion, but it's really none of your business. Then just turn and walk away.

Hmph... I just hope *I* am not a crotchety blue haired hag when I grow up.


JesusThroughMary said...

I agree with Chicklette. I see nothing wrong with simply telling them how it is. Except there's nothing wrong with being a little snarky with old hags who are probably just either jealous that you have a child and they don't, or are old hippie lesbians and bitter that you're still overpopulating the earth 30 years after the population explosion destroyed the whole world and drove us all into abject poverty....

No offense to any hippie lesbian readers.

Ter said...

My friend has a daughter with cerebral palsy. Before the little girl was big enough to be in a wheelchair, she was in a stroller and then in a larger stroller that is specially made for handicapped children, but not quite a wheelchair yet. Anyway, for the longest time she had to deal with similar comments. It did dwindle a bit once the girl was in a wheelchair that looked like a normal wheelchair.

Anyway ((HGUS))

AM said...

I'm with Supermom...don't be seen out in public with me and someone say something....
Bionic Baby's pretty good...we could come up with a few to variate. "He's Superman's kid, like a damn balloon. If I don't keep him strapped in the little booger will flutter off. The National Weather Service apparently got a little perturbed behind finding him for he stays strapped in for now till he finds out about the strength of steel. Then we're screwed."
BUT I say Don't EVER apologize for him...they should be the ones being apologized for....bless their old haggish hearts....

Melinda said...

I suggest: He only rolled a 3 for walking, so he has to wait for the next round.

He sure did roll a 20 for cuteness though, didn't he? And we won't even discuss his ability to cast stinky gas. haha