-People. Ron Paul exists. He's RIGHT THERE. Ask him some questions.
-Get off of the gays, who cares if they get married or not. Um, if the OMG gays are allowed to marry, chirren WILL be born in wedlock. And what hurts the sanctity of marriage more... divorce, or letting people get married?? Or, hey, marriage licenses?
-Duh duh duh I'm Rudy Giuliani duh I look like Nosferatu 9/11 9/11 terrorism I'm awesome duh.
-"The surge has worked." People can't really say this stuff and believe themselves, can they?
-I'm starting to feel bad for Hunter and Tancredo too. Apparently, they don't exist.
-It makes me feel good that Dr. Paul gets basically a standing ovation every time he talks. And, um, the most passionate boos. He's getting attention. I love it. Go Dr. Paul!
-Dude, Brownback... it's not our business what the Iraqis do to themselves, how they establish peace, how they do anything. Let them have themselves.
-PREACH, DOCTOR PAUL!!!! Let him talk, you google eyed idiot!
-Okay, so this isn't specifically a note on the debate, but did y'all know that Ron Paul has the highest support among the GOP candidates from the US troops? Hmmm...
-Tancredo is an idiot. I want to throw so much at my computer when this bonehead comes on the screen.
-War against radical Islam? I thought it was WMDs/Saddam Hussein/Al Qaeda.
-Heh. You want some mustard on your foot, Romney?
-That's okay, Romney. I wasn't using my civil liberties anyway. You and your pompadour tick me off.
-As long as we are in largely Islamic countries sticking our collective nose where it doesn't belong, largely Islamic countries will NEVER support us. PERIOD.
-At this point, Drew and I are getting really irritated that they aren't giving equal time to Dr. Paul. Really irritated.
-You JUST ASKED Senator McCain a question. He's tired of talking. Look at the bags under his eyes.
-"If you sacrifice liberty for security, you lose both." -Dr. Paul!! Gosh darnit, I love this man!
-Um, why aren't you interrupting Nosferatu like you did Dr. Paul? Hmmm? Brit. Why don't you come to my house for dinner so I can ignore you. And quit interrupting. Did your mama ever teach you manners?
-Tancredo, thy name is fear-mongerer.
-"It's unacceptable for a country that talks about using nuclear weapons to have nuclear weapons." - Mitt Romney. Um, Mitt, name the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons against another country. No, really, name it. Go ahead.
I can't stand you people. Ron Paul is the bomb, the rest of you suck, and I will cry if any of you win.
Now let's watch Ron Paul win tons and tons of polls.
7 months ago
Okay, so I finally went to Ron Paul's campaign website to check him out and I just want to say: "THANK YOU!" What's not to like? I read everything I could find on him and he sounds like the candidate I would make up if I could make one up! It really surprised me!
Glad to see the meds are working and keeping you hyper! My dad has been pushing Ron Paul since he came on the scene. He's always emailing me little clips of his speeches and stuff. He really is a great, consistent, practice-what-you-preach kinda guy. Kudos to you for having some kahonies and boosting what you believe on your blog! You rock!
So, if I understand what you're saying, you like Ron Paul? Ok, just kidding. I'm with you, he's pretty darn impressive.
Excellent point on gay marriage, by the way. Seriously, if this was the most serious moral delima this country faced, we'd be in awesome shape. Let's forget about drug use and teen pregnancy and the assorment of violence and abuse, let's focus on people wanting to get married!
And now I've started noticing the word verifications more. This one is odmdydlo. I like it. I think I could make that a word.
Jennifer - that's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I love getting the word out about him. You know, one thing that's so great about him is that he doesn't just talk the talk - he's walked the walk for TWENTY years. He's got the same platform he had 20 years ago, because he bases his platform on the constitution. I LOVE that man.
Mayberry - I've not always said the popular thing on my blog! Haha...
Susan - yeah, I kinda like the guy. And seriously, I KNOW. I don't care who marries whom... it has no bearing on my marriage and the sanctity thereof. It's not my business at all, and it's not hurting anyone... I'm not a big supporter of legislating victimless "crimes!"
How will children be born to a gay couple, exactly? Paul VI said 40 years ago that divorcing the sexual act from its ends of union and procreation would destroy society, and how right he was. Read Humanae Vitae (hopefully again).
Which is not to say that the Federal government should be wasting its time and our money dealing with such issues.
I need my own blog.
"Those who sacrifice liberty for security will lose both" is actually a misquote of something attributed to Benjamin Franklin, but that doesn't make it less true.
Why do I have to figure out the sequence of letters "v v w" in the word verification? I had to type it five times. Ridiculous.
Tony (jesusthroughmary)-
Children can be born to a gay couple through adoption, surrogacy, IVF, whatever. If I adopt a child, that child may have been born out of wedlock, but he/she will be raised in wedlock and that's what matters. Hell, as long as a child is raised in a stable, loving environment, I don't care if 2 monkeys and a cheetah raise it.
And I'm of the live and let live philosophy - if what you're doing isn't hurting me or anyone else, I don't care what you're doing, and the feds darn sure shouldn't care. No federal money should be spent legislating what people do in their private lives, period.
Yes, you should have your own blog, so you can quit pontificating (no pun intended) on mine.
A. "Born" and "raised" are two different concepts. A child is born to a couple under limited circumstances that do not include surrogacy or adoption. IVF is another issue, but it is always impossible for a homosexual couple to have a biological child together.
B. The rise of homosexuality is one more facet of the rise of the culture of death. Sex is ordained by God to express life-giving love. The culture of death is nothing more than the perversion of sacramental sexuality. The destruction of the moral fabric of our society hurts everyone. Is nobody hurt by abortion? Is nobody hurt by pornography? Is nobody hurt when 75-year-old childless women are killed in the Netherlands because they're an economic drain and they're taking up too much space? In that case, homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone.
C. Sin always has a victim. It offends God, it ruptures our relationship with our fellow man, it disfigures society, and it damages or kills the soul of the sinner. It's not logically consistent to say that an action is sinful and yet state that it's socially acceptable. We agree that it's not the government's job, but it precisely IS the Church's job - that is, each Christian's job - to say that certain behaviors are acceptable and others aren't.
I'm not going to drink the Kool-Aid on this one.
Vote Ron Paul.
A) "Raised" is what matters. It doesn't matter to whom a child is born, as long as they are raised in a stable, loving environment.
B) I don't know what you're talking about with the "rise of homosexuality," considering it's been around since, well, uh... FOREVER. And surely you're not comparing murder to a consensual relationship between adults, dude. Surely.
C) If you're going to run around pointing out everyone else's sin and tell them that they're hurting God, you should take the log out of your own eye first. Nobody is without sin, and everyone who points one finger has three pointing back at them. Add another cliche here. For example, I'm wearing polyester and I ate ham earlier. I also cut my hair and talk in church. Who am I to tell someone else that their actions hurt God? Don't we all pick and choose? I'll never agree that it's okay to preach on about one sin without including all of them, period. It's not my place to say what's wrong and what's right, especially without being asked first.
Damn right vote Ron Paul.
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