Today at Marshall Ramsey's speech at the Eudora Welty Library:
Me: Huh. I have a Cheerio in my pocket.
Clucky: And here I thought you were just happy to see me.
On my statcounter's keyword analysis page:
"cow fart" ice cream
On a more serious note, I want to very sincerely warn you all of something. It took two hours of my life away that I will never get back. I am appalled, annoyed, outraged, and very slightly amused.
Cache (Hidden) is the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. I have never so desperately wanted my money/time back. While I did enjoy listening to the French language for 2 hours and realizing how much I've actually retained, the movie was a ha-YUGE suck fest.
If you've seen it, and like it, please tell me why. It has a 7.3/10 rating on IMDb, so SOMEONE must have liked it. Drew said, after some vile cussing for a full 5 minutes after the credits started to roll (that's where my slight amusement came in), that it was something that only a film student could like. If film school is filled with kids who will be making this kind of crap, I pray for the future of entertainment.
Listen, I appreciate a good indie film like everyone else. I don't necessarily need transparency or to have a movie spoon-fed to me. I appreciate nuances, subtleties, et cetera. I don't appreciate awful, overrated movies.
There. Four paragraphs. I really mean it. I'm begging you to not watch this movie. Do anything else. Read about Ron Paul. Cook a 5-course meal. Learn Sanskrit. Adopt a puppy. Write a letter to your grandma. Give yourself a root canal. ANYTHING. Just don't watch the movie. Please.
7 months ago
hehehe...I may never look at a cheerio again without laughing!
It was great to meet you!
I thought seeing me was the two hour waste out of your life.
Ace rocks, btw. Love his laugh.
Nah, it was only an hour and a half and there were free pastries. Free pastries = always a good time.
I thought you said they were nasty?
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