1. He always shows me how much he appreciates me. He tells me how much he misses me when he's at work, tells me he's happy to see me when he gets home, and is not stingy with the hugs.
2. When he's excited about something, he'll wave his arms around in circles, rub his hands together, or clap repeatedly. It's cute.
3. He doesn't have a jealous bone in his body. I used to think that jealousy was a sign of love, but now I know it's a sign of insecurity and mistrust.
4. He does the stinky chores. Cat litter, diaper pail, compost bin.
5. He poses for stupid pictures.
6. He always wants to spend time with Ace. He gives him his bath and puts him to bed most nights. The second question he asks me every morning is "How's the baby?"
7. The eyes... *sigh*
7 months ago
I love you too :)
Awww. How sweet. (tear) Good daddy and good husband - that's really a wonderful thing these days. Can I get an amen??
Ewwww... You heterosexuals and your mushy love stuff. Can't you just be who you are and keep it to yourself? bwahahahahahaha
That's so great!
Oh and I LOVE Ace's new picture!
Too cute~!
I love it when people openly talk about how marriage rocks. It's so "out" to actually like your spouse, and for a husband to be into being a daddy. If Greg is as good a dad as Drew, I'll be completely spoiled.
Amen! (for mayberry;)
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