Please keep praying for Ace, y'all. He's not running a fever anymore, but the antibiotics are doing really yucky things to his tummy and now I have to give him Pedialyte. He's still got a pretty wet cough and is a little sneezy, but he really seems to be feeling better. I'm just so sad that he's a little dehydrated - I know I feel like crap when I'm dehydrated, I hate that he's feeling that way.
I have a lot to feel negative about today, so instead of continuing to whine, I'm gonna do a Thankful Thursday.
I'm thankful that Thursday's almost over. Then it'll be Friday, and when that's over, it'll be Saturday, and when Saturday's here, Drew will be too.
I'm thankful that Ace's fever is gone. I'm very thankful that he's getting through this cold so far so good. I'm thankful that he finally got a cold so I know what I'm dealing with.
I'm thankful that my little sister posted more pictures of my niece on her myspace page. (There were some pictures I wish I hadn't seen, but at least I've got some timeline of my niece's development.)
I'm thankful that my mom came over tonight and brought me Quizno's. I needed the visitor, and I always need a chicken carbonara sub with guacamole schmeared all over it. MAN, that is the perfect sandwich.
I know I said this one last time, but I'm sosososo thankful that I'm able to stay at home with Ace instead of working outside the home. I'm happy that I'm able to devote all of the attention to him that he needs while he's feeling poopy, and that I don't have to scramble around trying to find someone to babysit because I can't take him to daycare, or argue with Drew over who's staying home that day, or worry about missing a day of work.
I'm thankful that Ace has started giving kisses. I say "Give mama kisses?" and make a smooching noise, and 3 times out of 5, he'll lean over with his mouth wide open and plant one on me. I LOVE IT. No, really, I LOVE IT. Sometimes, in the morning, he'll do it without me asking for one, and I love those even more.
I'm thankful for the song "U & Dat," although it's got very nasty lyrics. It's just so much fun.
I'm thankful that I made my dad his Father's Day snickerdoodles today. I had to sample a few. Just protecting my dad, after all.
I'm thankful that I had gum to chew when I needed to resist the temptation to sample further.
I'm thankful that Ace is starting to seem to understand that he needs to put his hand down beside him to steady himself so he can sit up properly. This is a MAJOR development, people... y'all might think it's dumb, but that's one of the main things the physical therapist has been working on. He's starting to do it with his left hand, not so much his right. I'm so glad that he's starting to get it.
I'm thankful that I have so many people praying for Ace. Y'all are awesome, and God is awesomer.
I'm thankful that Drew and I are able to videochat while he's out of town so he can see Ace in the mornings.
I'm thankful that I'm done shopping for Father's Day. I started a little late this year.
Okay, I'm feeling better, and more positive. It's been a rough day. Now to wash bottles and pacis and sippy cups and go to bed. Early! YAY! Add that to the thankful list!
7 months ago
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