I just looked on a woman's profile on livejournal and saw that she's a human rights advocate and staunchly against circumcision. As in, will fight tooth and nail against circumcision and calls all those who choose to have their sons circumcised "abusive and negligent."
She then says she's pro-choice. Excuse me for a second, but...
hahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahaha schmuck.
Killing a child in the womb is a-okay but performing a minor, mostly painless surgery (Ace didn't even cry, but then again he's all man) on a child is bad bad bad. Get over yourself.
7 months ago
Oh wow. Does he listen to herself and see how absurd she is?!
We cicumcised both our boys. I almost didn't w/ Brennan, just because I was chickening out. But they said he slept through it.
What a nut she is. Yea, kill the penis in the womb, but don't touch out of it!
I think this is like those who are pro-life but also pro-death penalty. It seems like hypocrisy but isn't necessarily. It depends on how one thinks about the two issues and what moral guidelines you think apply in each.
In Judaism, for instance, certain types of abortion within certain circumstances are not only considered morally permissible, they're considered morally required acts of self defense, but the decision is left to that woman and her chosen advisors. Of course, we're also pro-circumcision for obvious reasons.
I think the obsession over circumcision is a bit nuts, but I can see why some see altering the baby's body in this way as a bad thing. Of course, many of them cite rather questionable "evidence" of circumcision "trauma" and loss of sexual sensation. They also claim wrongly that no medical benefit arises from circumcision. I personally think it should come down to an informed choice on the part of the parent.
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