I was at Babies R Us earlier and struck up a conversation with a lady about car seats until her 3-year-old climbed on to an empty spot on the shelf where the car seats are normally stored. She looked at him and said "Get out of there! Nobody would want you! If they bought you they'd just bring you back for a refund!"
I thought that was sad. I told him I'd take him for free. That was kind of the end of the conversation.
5 months ago
It makes me so sad and angry when I hear people talk to their kids like that. It seems I always hear it the most at Wal-Mart, too. :(
I feel so badly for them, and it makes me wonder what the adult thinks they're teaching the child talking to them like that. Seems to me it's setting them up for some low self-esteem and other issues!
Nice thing you said tim him, though. ;)
And you just know that this is the same type of mom that will wonder why the kid has self-esteem issues when he's a teenager.
That is so sad, you should have offered to take him home. I am sure she would have changed her tune :(
I'm glad to see two other moms of older children sharing my sentiments. I know kids can occasionally get on our nerves and we can reach a breaking point, but that lady really took things too far.
Rob, you're so right. He won't be able to avoid it - all of those nasty things his mom's saying to him will be burned into his psyche forever. Sucks.
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