I am thankful that I now have an easy, cheap way to make Chicago-style pizza, which Drew absolutely adores.
I am thankful that most of the shows I watch are going to be showing season finales next week. While Drew's gone, I'm going to start a new obsession with Grey's Anatomy. I remember that during their second season, they consulted with the ectopic pregnancy support group I belonged to in order to accurately depict an ectopic pregnancy. I'd like to see that.
I am thankful that Drew blocked the website that I waste the most time on.
I am thankful that Ace has accomplished as much as he has. I am thankful that he has a physical therapist that is going to help him accomplish more.
I am thankful that it's about to rain.
I am thankful that I am going to Bible study at a church at which I can disagree with the pastor. If only I could speak up to the rest of the congregation when I think they're kinda full of it.
I am thankful that my mom's offered to help so much while Drew's out of town. She's done so much to help us since Ace has been born. She's been our only babysitter for a LONG time (well, Papa Steve helps from time to time). I don't know what I'd have ever done without her.
I am thankful for 90's alternative rock.
7 months ago
Great list.
Grey's Anatomy-I'm hooked, too. I didn't know that abour their research for the ectopic pregnancy. That's good. I remember that episode. Enjoy the shows!
Ok why are sites being blocked? Do tell.
I've only seen one episode of Grey's. I'm currently re-watching all of Buffy the Vampire Slayer inbetween paper-writing stints. It works pretty well for the brain defrost. Amazingly enough, pizza is my husband's favorite food also. He makes it whenever we have the time and the counter space :)
Amen to that last one..
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