I've spoken to my little sister, Amanda, maybe twice since my niece was born in October. My stepmom's talked to her a few times, but my stepmom doesn't get all the information I want because... well, she's not me.
I HATE THIS. I worry constantly about her and my niece. What does she weigh now? Is she eating solid foods? What's her favorite? What's her favorite toy? Does she like books? Does she sleep well at night? What color are her eyes and hair?
Sigh. Please please pray for Amanda and my niece. This kills me.
7 months ago
It's so hard watching your siblings struggle, isn't it?
My sister made a lot of wrong choices back in the day, and when she got pregnant, we were sure it would be disastrous. Surprisingly, my niece turned out to be the thing that straightened M out. She's a good mother, far better than anyone expected her to be, and she'll do anything to take care of her daughter.
Maybe Amanda isn't in that place yet, but if not, I hope she gets there.
Remember a friend of ours from high school who had a baby freshman year in college? Motherhood straightened her out (not that I ever had any doubt, even at her most wild times, that she would be a good mother, she is a natural with children) and really chilled her out. I am optimistic that will be the case with your sister.
I'll definitely keep your sister and niece in my prayers. I know this is so very hard. (I have a borther who lives on and off the streets).
I pray God brings you all peace soon, and leads your sister to a good place. Safety prayers esp. for your niece!
You're not still debating on making that "spur of the moment" trip, are you?
Don't you wish we had the "Bewitched" power of wiggling our noses and appearing where we wished? I know where I'd be after a 'phone call went unanswered! Somehow Tattoo Guy has managed to annoy me more than Squirrel Boy. XOXO
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