On the 21st, I'm doing the WalkAmerica for the March of Dimes to benefit research into prematurity and birth defects. I am so proud to have exceeded my goal of $300 - I have the greatest, most generous friends and family. I've raised $425 so far, but hey, every little bit helps.
So, folks, whip out those credit cards and hook me up with an online donation! (Or, hook my mom up, she's on my team and hasn't quite hit her goal yet. Whatever. It all goes to the same place.) If you so desire, you may also send me a check. E-mail me, and I'll give you my address. (This only goes for people I know, please.) I can also give you my address if you'd like to fly over my house in a helicopter and drop a bunch of cash. Whatever. It's a good cause, people!
Now I'm going to shamelessly use some of my child's pictures as a vulnerable, pathetic newborn preemie to get you all fired up to donate.

He only weighed 3 pounds at birth - the above picture was taken right after he was taken off the respirator. Drew was fascinated by the sound of him crying and took several pictures. He didn't cry a lot while he was in the NICU. In fact, when he did start to really belt it out, the nurses said that's when they know the babies are ready to go home.

I think every preemie parent has a "teeny baby, giant hand" picture for perspective.

I couldn't hold him till he was a week old, and even then, it wasn't for long, since he still had an umbilical IV.
Come on, folks, your donation will ensure a future where there is little or no prematurity. Don't you want that?
I'm also doing a run/walk this weekend for the Leonard E. Warren Melanoma Foundation, called the Run from the Sun. That's not the kind of race that does individual sponsorships, but I know they'd really appreciate the donations. Read the story of Whitney Watkins, a too-young mother of 2 who developed melanoma too late to be treated, and died in February. We're doing the run this year in her honor.
ok, those pictures make me cry hot river of salty tears, as does ole miss family story with the melanoma.
Oh wow. Amazing pictures of your boy. I have so much respect for him!
Good luck on the donations. When is the deadline?
No deadline to donate! But in order to give me "credit" with the WalkAmerica, just donate before the race, which is next Saturday.
(This is Stacey, posting on Drew's account, by the way!)
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