I just changed the commenting game a little bit. First, you have to be a registered blogger member to comment, and secondly, I'm moderating all of my comments. Sorry to my beloved unregistered friends who comment (Terri, Tony) but you'll have to register to comment. Oh, and no anony-mouses.
I set it up this way so I can delete unwanted comments without having to read them. And trust me, I know which ones are unwanted just by the user name. It's a win-win situation!
8 months ago
But I want to be an anony-mouse and eat up all the cheese!
Good decision.
Mmmm cheese.
speaking of cheese, you have to see the p'tates on tetes à claques...
p'tates cheez whiz...
I think this is the right move. I have some commenting "boundaries" myself :)
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