I want to wish everyone a very happy Easter, the most awesome day of the year. It's so exciting, knowing what this day represents. I got my friends a card that says "Jesus Lives!" and on the inside, says "Shout it!" I got tears in my eyes reading it. I love Easter, it just makes me so happy.
Does anyone else find it strange that what
we traditionally consume on Easter, Jesus would have never eaten?
Happy Easter from the Spiehlers!
OMG, Ace looks sooo cute in that get-up! Hugs and Kisses to y'all on this day! XOXO
You all look great! Nice family photo. :) Ace is getting so big and grown up!
Okay, he's old enough to wear a uniform now. The only questions are: Which ST series or movie uniform should we get? What species? Klingon battle armor would be so cute. He'd have to be TOS Klingon, because the prosthetic glue wouldn't be good for his sensitive skin. So, watcha say?
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