Oh, come on.
This poor little girl was defending herself from bullies who were probably not punished at all. So she gets thrown in juvi for 5 days and gets an ankle bracelet? This poor child. I'm calling race on this one. Would this have happened to a little white girl? As a former victim of bullying, I think she did the right thing to defend herself. Sometimes, nobody else is around to help.
Good for Angelina.
Angelina Jolie has proven to be much more than a ditzy celebrity with a cause in the tradition of many of her contemporaries. If anything, she's a cause with a celebrity. I am darn happy that she's out there, and hope that she finds much happiness in her life. With or without Brad.
Thank goodness!
Whew! I was afraid that people would have to start parenting! While I, having seen some of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, feel that the rating should be Adults Only, I feel more strongly that parents should constantly monitor what their children are taking in.
"Rock star???" Surely you jest.
7 months ago
I don't believe this little girl should have been punished so severely, however she did need to be punished. Just as the little boys should have been. As far as the race card, I completely disagree. The boys threw water balloons, she threw rocks. Two different weapons. They should have received different punishments.
I dunno - murderers are acquitted all the time on self-defense. This girl did what she had to do to end the bullying. I'm actually calling the race card because she received such a stiff punishment for doing what anyone would have done. I am thinking that a little white girl in an upper middle class neighborhood wouldn't be on lockdown.
At least they have Mariah Carey listed as a rock star and not a singer :)
Oh, come on.
I agree with Terri in which both did something wrong: boy threw balloons, girl threw rock. (Good for her! Stnad up for yourself girl!)Though, in agreement, they both should of been punished. The police extremely over-reacted: 2 cars and a helicopter? How the heck do they respond to "real" violence?
Good for Angelina
I agree. :D
Thank g oodness!
I thought the game was rated Adults only? It does have a stripper scene in it...or is that the other Grand theft auto?
"Rock Star???"
Bwah ha ha ha!!! Oh that is the funniest thing I've heard today!!
i hate the way there were mad crazy amber alerts for those two white kids in idaho and when the four or five black kids from florida were "lost in the system" no one seemed to bug out. I do think race is an issue when it comes to crime and punishment, even with children.
It's pretty sad that people can't handle any disputes, even among their kids, without having to call in the militarized police force to "take control of the situation." What ever happened to marching your kid over to the neighbor's house and making him apologize?
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